Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Preface of these Tutorials

Several things come in my mind while I start writing these tutorials. What are the purpose of these? How will this change the mindset of readers? Will they still see Linux {def} as a hard to learn operating system only for geeks?

Well to say the truth, I also had the same set of questions that you have when starting with Linux. Only thing that brought me here is that I was interested in learning a new thing. Around four months ago, I started thing non-ending journey of learning Linux, and you cant believe how exciting it is. Non-ending because once you learn a new thing, you are presented with the next, and this cycle goes on and on. Exciting because you know how everything works in Windows. Here in Linux, you have to experiment and research a bit to make the clock tick. That’s where you never get bored with it. And trust me, once you catch this boat of excitement, I guarantee you that you would be left with an endless sea to explore, and would never like to look back.

The main problem that newbies face with Linux is that there is no clear way out of there problems. Most people fear to explore into an unknown territory. There are a lot of books and sites on these subjects, but they are rarely made with the newbies in mind. I would try to make Linux as easy as it is. Trust me, Linux is not hard. People fear it because its a bit different.

I have organized this tutorials into several levels based on the expertise required to deal with each subject. As you rise each level, you would learn newer things that are not hard (these are not level of games), but may require knowledge of the previous tutorials. Just keep the interest to start with a new thing, I would keep the interest of the rest of the journey.

To those wondering who I am, I am a simple guy who still thinks that he is new with Linux. You may think that I don’t consider myself experienced, why I am writing these tutorials then? For two reasons. First, an newbie can only understand the problems of a newbie, and second, as Linux is a give and take thing (well, not strictly) so as I have benefited a lot from it, its time that I give back something.

Before you get started, here are a few things to note. These tutorials are both available in e-book (.pdf) form as well as on web (.html). However, as all people on earth have less time in hand to learn new things, so the content here are kept as brief as possible. If you are interested to learn more, extensions and useful links of some posts are also present. It may also happen that extensions of some posts appear some time later (as I need more time for preparing them) so keep an eye on posts of this site. You can also subscribe to our RSS feeds to stay in touch with us. Alternatively, follow me on Twitter of like our Facebook page.

To reduce your work, all the e-books are present in the Downloads page of this site. There is also a page of definitions of terms related with Linux which I think would benefit the readers a lot. Both these Downloads and Definition pages would be updated regularly. To know the definition of a term, click on {def} link following a word.

I hope you would find these tutorials useful. You are free to edit them and reproduce them in any form, provided you give a link back to this site. All the content of this site (unless specified) is available in a Creative Commons License.

Wish you a happy and exciting Linux journey.

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