Sunday, March 6, 2011

Eight Things You Would Find In This Blog

Note : This post has been continued, to read more, click here

I started writing this post and deleted the whole text four times, because I didn't know what to write and what to leave.

Well, to say the least, this is not a niche blog, but a mixture a lot of things. A bit of technology, blended with romance and sum psyco things, and you would find a blog like this. Its a reflection of myself, so hopefully and sadly, you would only find things here that I like. But the good point is this I have interest in a lot of things and may be it would also match with a interest of you, so you just need to make sure you stick to your area :-)

  • Me and Myself: To some extent, this is a personal blog. I give a personal touch to everything here and all post would have more or less my opinion about a thing. 
  • Linux: The thing that interests me most now and makes sure that I learn at least one thing new everyday. Well, I plan to write some good number of tutorials that would help you a lot. Sure, Linux is easy to lern, thats why I want you to adopt it. 
  • My Life Story: Its about what happens in my life everyday or what has happened in the past. My life journey, what I have come from and what I would like to be. 
  • India's Largest SMS collection: Over ten thousand SMSes, ya its true! 
  • Free C tutorials and tricks: Programming tutorials you would love reading. Its not hard anymore. If you need help, instant support from us is also available. 
  • Java Mobile Applications and Games, Reviews and Downloads: Only blog that would give you all this. 
  • Mobile PCing and WindowLinuxing: Learn to do the tasks you normally do on PC on your mobile, on the move. Switched to Linux? Great tricks to do those tasks here. 
  • Love Stories and Tips: Some creations that I have written, to be published occasionally here. 
Well, this would give you just a rough idea of what I write about, but you would also find things that are not in the above list. So just have a look in this blog to get started!
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