Saturday, October 15, 2011

How to Install Ubuntu 11.10 (11.04, 10.10) alongside Windows 7 and XP without losing data (dual boot).

This detailed tutorialexplains how to install Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)  11.04, 10.10 or olderoperating systems on your computer/laptop alongside Windows 7 or XPwithout losing data.

Ubuntu is a cool andwidely used Linux operating system. Its is very good for new Linuxusers because its very easy to use and its installation and othersoftware installation in it is very user-friendly. The best thing isthat you can use it freely and also obtain, distribute and modify itfreely as its a open-source software. If you want to explore Linuxand have no idea about it, its undoubtedly the best choice. Thisguide will explain how to install Ubuntu alongside Windows on yourcomputer. Just follow the instructions and screenshots and it wonttake more than 30 minutes to install it on your system. Once you useit, I guarantee, you will fall in love with it.

If you don't know whatLinux is and why is it better than Windows, consider looking at this post for your answers. Also have a look at Ubuntu11.10's cool features and review here.

Unlike Windows, Ubuntu'snew version is released every 6 months so that you can have state ofart software always with you. The version number of the softwaredepends on the year it is released along with the month it isreleased. The latest release at the time of writing this post is onOctober 2011, hence the name is Ubuntu 11.10.

Okay enough ofexplanations, now straight to work.

To install Ubuntu onyour computer or laptop, you need three things.
  • Ubuntu installation image.
  • PenDriveLinux software.
  • A USB Flash drive/Pendrive or a CD.
Step One : Download the Ubuntu Disk Image

Go to Ubuntu download page and download the CD image (.iso) file from there. Ifyou are an Indian user, you can download it from Indian mirror for better speed. The name of the file will be something likeubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso. Also if you have more than 2 GB ofRAM, you can also obtain the 64 bit versions from there. If youalready have a Ubuntu CD along with you, you can skip to step 4.

Step Two : Download PenDriveLinux Software

Once you have the image,go to PenDriveLinux and download the software. Its ajust 1 MB software that helps you to install Linux from your pendrive. Unlike Windows, you can also use your USB/flash drive toinstall Linux. Or if you don't have a USB port, and would like toinstall Linux from CD/DVD, just write the .iso file to a CD usingNero.

Step Three : Extract the bootable image on your pendrive.

Open the PenDriveLinuxsoftware that you just downloaded and accept the license agreement.In the select Linux distributions, select Ubuntu 11.10 or theversion/OS you would like to install.

In the next box, browseand locate the Ubuntu iso file you have downloaded.

In the next drop-downmenu, select your USB drive. Once all options have been set, click oncreate.

A confirmation box willappear. Click on Yes.

The software willextract and copy the files on your pendrive.

Once complete, you willget the following screen with the message “Installation Done!Process complete”.

Step 4: Tweaking the BIOS to boot from Removable Device/Pendrive

Insert the pendrive orthe CD in your drive and restart your PC. If your BIOS settingpermits external booting, you will find Ubuntu booting on your PC (aglowing brownish screen). If it doesn't you need to tweak your BIOS.Restart you PC again and while it is booting, press the Del key (orthe corresponding key as mentioned in your motherboard manual). Ablue or black screen will appear. Using arrow keys, go to the bootoptions menu. From there, select the first boot priority to removabledevice or CD drive. The picture below will help you.

Step 5: Booting Up and Installing Ubuntu

Once you havesuccessfully booted from the USB drive or CD, you will notice abrownish screen with a loading like sign.

Let the thing load, andonce its done, you will find a screen something like this.

You can try Ubuntu togive a test-drive without making changes in your hard-disk. However,for this tutorial purpose, we will show you how to install Ubuntu.Click on install Ubuntu, and the setup will check if your PC hasenough requirements for its installation. You will need at least 4.4GB disk-space for a successful installation.

Click on continue. You willbe presented with three options. Install Ubuntu alongside Windows,replace Windows with Ubuntu and Something else.

Choose the first optionand you will be presented with a screen that will allow you to changethe disk-space associated with Ubuntu. Drag the partition pointer toset your desired space. I have allocated 10 GB to Ubuntu as shown inthe figure.

The installation willbegin. Click on your country or type on the box to select yourtime-zone.

You will be asked tochoose your keyboard layout. In most cases, you must leave itdefault.

The setup will ask yourname, your username and password. Fill it. Do not tick the “encryptmy home folder” option until and unless you know what you aredoing.

Done! Now the setup willcopy files, configure hardware and do other stuff needed. While thisis done, you can have a look at the nice sideshow to get to know thenew features of Ubuntu.

Once the installation isdone, you will be presented with the following dialog. Hit “Restartnow”.

You will be presentedwith the following screen where you can choose which operation systemyou need to boot to. Choose Ubuntu (first option) and you will bebooted to your new operating system.

In the login box, typeyour password

and you will be taken tothe desktop.

Explore a little of yournew OS. Be sure to check out next tutorial on first steps afterUbuntu installation. Play, enjoy, its fully yours.
When done, go totop-most right corner of your screen and click on the ring icon. Fromhere, you can restart or shutdown your computer.

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